Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Merry Christmas & a Blessed New Year 2010.
And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. Who having heard, was troubled at his saying, and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God.
Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end. And Mary said to the angel: How shall this be done, because I know not man? And the angel answering, said to her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that is called barren: Because no word shall be impossible with God. And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Personal Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Consecration to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, through the Blessed Virgin Mary
O Eternal and Incarnate Wisdom! O sweetest and most adorable Jesus! True God and true man, only Son of the Eternal Father, and of Mary, always Virgin! I adore Thee profoundly in the bosom and splendors of Thy Father during eternity; and I adore Thee also in the virginal bosom of Mary, Thy most worthy Mother, in the time of Thine Incarnation.
I give Thee thanks for that Thou hast annihilated Thyself, taking the form of a slave in order to rescue me from the cruel slavery of the devil. I praise and glorify Thee for that Thou hast been pleased to submit Thyself to Mary, Thy holy Mother, in all things, in order to make me Thy faithful slave through Her. But, alas! Ungrateful and faithless as I have been, I have not kept the promises which I made so solemnly to Thee in my baptism; I have not fulfilled my obligations; I do not deserve to be called Thy child, nor yet Thy slave; and as there is nothing in me which does not merit Thine anger and Thy repulse, I dare not come by myself before Thy most holy and august Majesty. It is on this account that I have recourse to the intercession of Thy most holy Mother, Whom Thou hast given me for a mediatrix with Thee. It is through Her that I hope to obtain of Thee contrition, the pardon of my sins, and the acquisition and preservation of wisdom.
Hail, then, O Immaculate Mary, living tabernacle of the Divinity, where the Eternal Wisdom willed to be hidden and to be adored by angels and by men! Hail, O Queen of Heaven and earth, to Whose empire everything is subject which is under God. Hail, O sure refuge of sinners, Whose mercy fails no one. Hear the desires which I have of the Divine Wisdom; and for that end receive the vows and offerings which in my lowliness I present to Thee.
I, (Name), a faithless sinner, renew and ratify today in Thy hands the vows of my Baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomps and works; and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more faithful to Him than I have ever been before.
In the presence of all the heavenly court I choose Thee this day for my Mother and Mistress. I deliver and consecrate to Thee, as Thy slave, my body and soul, my goods, both interior and exterior, and even the value of all my good actions, past, present, and future; leaving to Thee the entire and full right of disposing of me, and all that belongs to me, without exception, according to Thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of God, in time and in eternity.
Receive, O benignant Virgin, this little offering of my slavery, in honor of, and in union with, that subjection which the Eternal Wisdom deigned to have to Thy maternity, in homage to the power which both of Thee have over this poor sinner, and in thanksgiving for the privileges with which the Holy Trinity has favored Thee. I declare that I wish henceforth, as Thy true slave, to seek Thy honor and to obey Thee in all things.
O admirable Mother, present me to Thy dear Son as His eternal slave, so that as He has redeemed me by Thee, by Thee He may receive me! O Mother of mercy, grant me the grace to obtain the true Wisdom of God; and for that end receive me among those whom Thou lovest and teachest, whom Thou leadest, nourishest and protectest as Thy children and Thy slaves.
O faithful Virgin, make me in all things so perfect a disciple, imitator and slave of the Incarnate Wisdom, Jesus Christ Thy Son, that I may attain, by Thine intercession and by Thine example, to the fullness of His age on earth and of His glory in Heaven. Amen.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Marie Rose Ferron (Little Rose)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Remember to Pray for the Holy Soul's in Purgatory

Prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
O Lord, who art ever merciful and bounteous with Thy gifts, look down upon the suffering souls in purgatory. Remember not their offenses and negligences, but be mindful of Thy loving mercy, which is from all eternity. Cleanse them of their sins and fulfill their ardent desires that they may be made worthy to behold Thee face to face in Thy glory. May they soon be united with Thee and hear those blessed words which will call them to their heavenly home: "Come, blessed of My Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
Visiting a Cemetery
An indulgence is granted the faithful who devoutly visit a cemetery and pray, if only mentally, for the dead. This indulgence is applicable only to the souls in Purgatory. This indulgence is a plenary one from November 1 through November 8 and can be gained on each one of these days. On other days of the year this indulgence is a partial one.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Consecration of Russia
Why Is the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary the Key to the Solution of the Current Crisis in the Church?
Fr. Andreas Mahlmann
Why pray for a consecration of Russia? Where did this idea originate?
Bishop Bernard Fellay sees the attainment of the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as the key to overcome the crisis in the Church. This needs to be explained. He draws this conclusion from the apparition of Mary at Fatima in the year 1917, officially recognized by the Church. On the 13th of July Mary told the seer Lucy: God is going to punish the world with war, famine, and persecution of the Church, even the Holy Father himself. To avoid this, I come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart....In the end, my Immaculate Heart shall triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia, which will be converted and a time of peace will be given to the world.
Why is it necessary to consecrate Russia specifically?
Because it is the Will of God! Sister Lucy explained: Russia will be the instrument of punishment for the world if we do not succeed in converting this poor nation .... Our Blessed Mother warns us that if the consecration of Russia to the Will of God is not achieved, then the errors of Russia will spread over the entire world. Wars and persecutions of the Church will be the consequences. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, many nations will be destroyed.
As Sister Lucy revealed in her recently released letters: The Lord Himself let it be known that Russia will not be converted until the consecration is fully consummated .... "While it is my Will that the entire Church acknowledge this consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ... , that next to the devotion to my Sacred Heart, the devotion to the Immaculate Heart will find its place."
In what particular way will the consecration proceed?
As promised, Mary appeared once more (on June 13, 1929) to Lucy [who had, in the meantime, taken Orders in Tuy] to give her this message: The moment has come when God bids the Holy Father to unite all bishops of the world to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart. In this way, it shall be saved. The words in this way are decisive because these words point to the only way the conversion of Russia can be achieved. Mary concluded: If the consecration is not completely achieved Russia will not convert, and the scourge of punishment for the world will be released culminating in the destruction of many nations.
Hasn't the consecration of Russia already been achieved?
Is not the end of the Cold War seen as a sign of the beginning of the conversion of Russia?
Absolutely not. The fruit of this collapse of the Iron Curtain merely achieved a powerful swing to the Left in the governments of Europe, most of which are in the hands of the Socialists. In Germany, we are particularly involved, (though nominally Christian in name) supporting time and time again pure socialist politics. The position of the Catholic Church in Russia has deteriorated drastically since the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1997 a law went into effect in Russia that discriminated against the Catholic Church while the Orthodox, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism have been enhanced. In all of Russia today there are fewer than 300,000 Catholics; fewer than in 1917 when Our Blessed Mother appeared at Fatima and promised the conversion of Russia.
Isn't it a little too late for the consecration of Russia, since the errors of Russia have already spread across the world?
No. Our Lord Himself saw this coming, and in August 1931 confided in Sister Lucy in Rianjos:
They (the popes) do not wish to achieve My wish (i.e., the conversion of Russia) .... Like the king of France, they will repent and will finally do it. It will be late. Russia will have already spread her errors over the world.
It is also known that this consecration will finally take place. There is no "too late." In this connection one must see the vision of the second visionary child of Fatima-who has been beatified-Jacinta Marto, who saw regarding the pope: Do you not see the many streets, the by-ways and fields full with people who cry from hunger, for they have nothing to eat, and the Holy Father in a church praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary? And so many people that pray with him. In this witness, the Mother of God allowed the visionary to see in what tragic situation the pope would finally make the consecration.
What significance does the "Conversion of Russia" have for the fruit of the consecration promised US by Heaven?
When Heaven speaks of conversion, it means naturally the conversion to the one eternal Church founded by Jesus Christ-the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. "Conversion of Russia" means that
Russia, after 1,000 years of schism, will become Roman Catholic. St. Maximilian Kolbe had this vision towards the end of his life: "One day you will see the Statue of the Immaculate on the highest
battlements of the Kremlin." The Immaculate referred to is, of course, the Immaculate Conception of Mary. The dogmatic status of the Immaculate Conception of Mary does not exist in the Orthodox Church.
Thus by seeing this vision, the return of Russia to the Roman Church was clearly indicated by St. Maximilian Kolbe.
However, how is it that the consecration of Russia is also the key to the healing of the world and the Church?
Without a doubt the healing that is mentioned is not only of Russia, but rather Russia with the entire world. The word world is the center of the message on July 13, 1917, and is used four times. In the world
God wills the beginning of the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. If man does not obey, the world will be punished for this crime. Russia will spread her errors to the world. At the end, the world will be given a time of peace. Thus the words "In the end, my Immaculate Heart shall triumph" do not only concern Russia, but have a universal meaning for the whole world and also for the Church. The Church suffers today more than ever under the ecumenical error which no longer requires conversion from error and return to the one Sheepfold of Christ, as those outside of which feel no compulsion to acknowledge the holy throne of Peter (Pope Pius IX). Roman authorities agreed with the Orthodox authorities in the Balamand Declaration (June 23, 1993) that the Church is no longer seeking the return of the Orthodox to the Roman fold. Having made this false step, one could extricate oneself through the consecration of Russia because in so doing, one would assert once again the conversion of the Orthodox as the ultimate goal. The accomplishment of the consecration of Russia by the pope and all the bishops of the Church would be a significant turning from all errors, offering an opportunity to examine and rescind faulty steps taken at the Council. In that way the consecration of Russia would be a healing for the whole Church as well. St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort went another step: He saw at the end of time in his fiery prayer for a worldwide conversion to the Catholic Church: Mary must dispense more than ever before her mercy .... to the poor sinners and those in error, bringing them back and receiving them lovingly, converting them back to the Catholic Church. Give strength to fight against the enemies of God: the idolaters, the schismatics, Mohammedans,Jews, and the hardened godless. He spoke of a flood of graces and of love which would flow over the entire world. Then there would be one sheepfold and one flock. When will this be? The holy man gives indications of the time when this will happen: after a great crisis in the Church God's laws will be set aside, the Gospel abandoned, the stream of crime will flood the earth and pull God's servants with it, the entire earth will be without consolation. Godlessness will be enthroned, the sanctuary is defiled, and the horror enters the holy city. This prophesy shows-in the deep crisis of belief-a hopeful glimpse of the future with a Christian and Marian age to come. It is the pope, however, who by Heaven's command, must lead us there-no one can replace him.
Can we have hope that this will transpire?
From the mouth of Mary and Our Savior comes the promise that the consecration will be achieved someday in the correct way: "The pope will dedicate Russia to my Immaculate Heart; however, it will be ever
so late ... .In the end, my Immaculate Heart shall triumph" and the entire Church will acknowledge the triumph of Mary. It will also be a triumph for the Church. (This prophecy) has come to pass already: We are in the year 2009 and we see how late it is for this consecration. The Church finds itself in "a process of self-destruction" (Pope Paul VI) and almost the entire world, particularly Europe, is contaminated with the
errors of Russia and finds itself in socialist hands. In view of the financial crisis, a new, intensive drive for a new world order is in the works, an order where nothing good is said about Christians. Therefore all the more reason for a world-wide "Gulf offensive" of prayers. All Catholics that love their Church are thereby called out for a united emergency prayer to save the Church: the Holy Rosary. It is up to us to pray that the promised consecration will happen as quickly as possible and that the coming triumph of Mary will be thus hastened. Encouraging are the words of Our Savior to Sister Lucy: Make it known ... It will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary.
--Taken From "The Angelus" - August 2009,
Monday, October 12, 2009
Christopher Columbus
America was discovered by a Roman Catholic by the name of Christopher Columbus. Did they teach you that in the history books? If not, now is the time to learn the truth.
Columbus, the Christ-bearer: Did you Know?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
St. Damien de Veuster
Monday, September 21, 2009
October International Rosary March
Monday, August 31, 2009
Our "Only" Hope for World Peace

So does this mean there is no hope for world peace? No, there is great hope for a period of peace IF the Pope obeys Our Lady of Fatima and consecrates Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. This is what our Lord and God, Jesus Christ wants and this and nothing else will work. Sadly, a great many Catholics have come to believe the consecration has been done but this is NOT true because the Pope never did it with all the Bishops of the world as Our Lady of Fatima requested.
Who stands to gain anything if the Pope and Bishops don't do the consecration? Clearly, it's the Marxist Communists. They were able to bring about the Vatican-Moscow Agreement in which the Catholic Church would no longer speak out against Communism. Sister Lucy's interview with Professor Walsh tells us that the whole world will be overcome by communism IF the consecration is NOT done. Even the Holy Father has given us a clue to how serious the situation is when he said, "Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves ." Can these words be connected to Pope St. Pius X who said he had a vision, and he saw in the vision his successor fleeing over the dead bodies of his brethren?
Time is short! Each day we are getting closer as documented by Deirdre Manifold in her book, "Towards World Government" then ever before.
Our supernatural weapons from Heaven are the Rosary and the Brown Scapular. Pray the Rosary daily and pray for the Pope's intentions as well. Read about the Magnificent Promise for the Five First Saturdays.
In an address Pope Benedict gave at Bethlehem on May 13, 2009, the anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima, the Pope declared: “You promised the three children of Fatima that ‘in the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.’ May it be so!”
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Mary, Queen of Scots

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Antonio Salazar

“I bless him with all my heart, and I cherish the most ardent desires that he be able to complete successfully his work of national restoration, both spiritual and material.”
As I said, Salazar’s program was a Catholic, Counter-revolutionary program. He called Communism “the greatest heresy of our time” and he strove with all his might to fight against it. He was a fierce opponent of socialism, liberalism, and to use his words he was opposed to “everything which diminishes, divides, or dissolves the family”.
Salazar said: “For me I have only one goal ... What I propose is to bring Portugal permanently to life!” He explains: “We want to preserve at any price, from this wave that is falling over the world, simplicity of life, purity of morals, gentleness of sentiments, the equilibrium of social relations, and this modest but noble family atmosphere which is proper to Portuguese life.”
Very simply, his goal was to establish Catholic Social Order, wherein the state, government and social institutions would base its laws of right and wrong on what the Gospels teach is right and wrong and on what the Church teaches is right and wrong. In this process, it seems that Salazar even dissolved Freemasonry in Portugal in 1935.
Salazar was keen to leave the Catholic Church complete and entire liberty of action. He permitted the Catholic religion to be taught in all schools, not just parochial schools. (Non-Catholic parents who did not wish their children to receive this instruction could have their children removed from these classes, as the Catholic Faith is never forced on anyone); but throughout Portugal, the Catholic education of the youth was greatly favored.
Another remarkable development at this time was Salazar’s legislation on marriage which read “The Portuguese state recognizes the civil effects of marriages celebrated according to canonical laws.” He then initiated into this legislation articles which frowned upon divorce. Article 24 reads, “In harmony with the essential properties of Catholic marriages, it is understood that by the very fact of the celebration of a canonical marriage, the spouses renounce the legal right to ask for a divorce.” This was a law of the state that said, if Catholics engage in a valid marriage, there is no way that they can even ask for a divorce.
The effect of this law was that the number of Catholic marriages did not go down, they went up. So that by 1960, nearly 91 percent of all marriages in the country were canonical marriages. Can you imagine living in a land where 91 percent of all marriages are proper, canonical, sacramental Catholic marriages, and that the couples going into these marriages completely accept the fact that divorce is out of the question? That is a civilization of love! — and it is nowhere to be found as we begin the Third Millennium.
So while so many other countries throughout the world were plagued with communism, humanism, socialism and revolution; Salazar stood practically alone in establishing a nation that was, for the most part, based on Catholic Social principles. In other words, with objective truth, with reality.
3) Miracle of Peace
The third miracle is the miracle of peace in that:1) Portugal was preserved from Communist terror,2) Portugal was preserved from the horrors of the Second World War.
It was well known at the time that Moscow’s plan was to plant Communism in Spain. Because if they did this, then Europe would be book-ended by Communism. It would have Communist Russia on one side, and Communist Spain on the other; therefore, Communism could close in on Europe from both sides.
Now the Portuguese bishops were watching this very closely. They were watching the events in Spain, and they were afraid for Portugal. So on May 13, 1936, the bishops met together and made a secret vow. They vowed that they (the bishops) would lead a national pilgrimage to Fatima in 1938 “to give solemn thanks to the Blessed Mother if She obtained for Portugal victory over Communism and the benefit of peace.” (Cardinal Cerejeira’s own words.)
What faith!
On July 13, 1936, just two months after their vow, there was the assassination of the monarchist deputy Calvo Sotelo, which marked the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. As Frère Michel points out, the threat to Portugal was grave. Humanly speaking, it was practically inevitable that the revolutionary contagion would sweep right into Portugal.
But it never did.
Now, it could have, and it almost did.
For instance, on September 8, 1936, two Portuguese ships mutinied to join the Communists in Spain. As soon as Salazar heard this, he gave the order that the ships be bombarded until they either surrendered or sank.
When Salazar did this, he received the full backing of the bishops of Portugal. So it wasn’t long before the mutineers came to their senses. Afterward, the bishops themselves wrote about the event. They said that “a revolutionary movement got under way, which was quickly snuffed out. Thus Portugal could continue in tranquility on the path of work and progress.”
That was one major danger averted. Almost a year later, another, there was an attempt on Salazar’s life.
On July 4, 1937, Salazar was on his way to Mass at a private chapel of a friend’s house. Just as he stepped out of the car, a bomb exploded only 10 feet away (the bomb had been hidden in an iron case). But the bomb-blast left Salazar untouched and it also left his chauffeur untouched (even though the poor chauffeur was rendered deaf). Rather than being all shaken up, Salazar simply said to those around him, “Calm down,” and then he turned to his friend and said “Let’s go to Mass.” He just picked up where he left off.
Had Salazar been assassinated, it would have thrown the country into incredible turmoil, which is fertile breeding ground for Communism. And the bishops acknowledged in a collective letter in 1938, that it was an act of God that preserved Salazar’s life in this attempted assassination.
Anyway, by 1938, General Franco in Spain was on his way to victory, and the danger for Portugal had finally been averted. So, on May 13, 1938, when the bishops of Portugal fulfilled their vow and renewed the National Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Cardinal Cerejeira acknowledged publicly that Our Lady of Fatima had spared Portugal the scourge of Communism.
“Since Our Lady of Fatima appeared in 1917 ... a special blessing of God has descended on the land of Portugal ... Especially if we review the two years which have gone by since our vow, one cannot fail to recognize that the invisible hand of God has protected Portugal, sparing it the scourge of war and the leprosy of atheistic Communism.”
Even Pope Pius XII was amazed that Portugal had been spared from Communism. In an address to the Portuguese people the Pope spoke about “the Red Peril, so menacing and so close to you, and yet avoided in such an unexpected manner”.
World War II
Now, for Portugal at this time, one danger had passed, but another was staring them right in the face. They had escaped the contagion of Communism from Spain, but now the Second World War was about to break out. On February 6, 1939, seven months before the declaration of war, Sister Lucy wrote to her bishop, Msgr. da Silva. She told him that war was imminent, but then she told him of a magnificent and miraculous promise. She said, “in this horrible war, Portugal would be spared because of the national consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary made by the bishops.”
And Portugal was spared the horrors of war, the details of which are too numerous to go into right now. (You can read about it in Volume II of Frère Michel’s Whole Truth About Fatima.)
On December 2, 1940, Sister Lucy wrote to Pope Pius XII and told him that Portugal is receiving special protection during the war that other nations would have received if the bishops would consecrate their nations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
She wrote:
“Most Holy Father, Our Lord promises a special protection to our country in this war, due to the consecration of the nation by the Portuguese Prelates to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; as proof of the graces that would have been granted to other nations, had they also consecrated themselves to Her.”
So this is why Frère Michel of the Holy Trinity calls Portugal at this time, the “Showcase of Our Lady.”
When the bishops consecrated Portugal to Her Immaculate Heart, there was the threefold miracle:
1) There was a magnificent Catholic Renaissance, a great rebirth of Catholic life.
2) There was a miracle of political and social reform,
3) There was a miracle of peace, in that Portugal was preserved from the Communist terror, especially the Spanish Civil War which was raging right next door. And also, Portugal was preserved from the devastations of the Second World War.
This threefold miracle that Our Lady accomplished on a national scale in Portugal is something which She wants to do worldwide in an even more magnificent manner. But it will not happen until the Pope in union with all the bishops of the world, consecrate Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart as Our Lady of Fatima requested.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Generalisimo Francisco Franco

"Our fight is a crusade in which Europe's fate is at stake. That is why since the beginning Russia has taken her place unconditionally on the side of the Spanish Republic by sending tanks and a thousand war-planes, and by mobilizing the undesirables of all Europe to fight for the Red Army. Our triumph is immense, in spite of the difficulties of the enterprise. No difficulties have prevented the rescue of over three million Spaniards from Red barbarism during the second triumphal year.
I beg your affectionate remembrance of our brothers who are suffering from the effects of lawlessness in the Red zone, and your prayers for the martyrs of our cause. I pay tribute to those who have fallen far from their own countries - the natives, the volunteers, the legionaries who left their home to enroll in the forces of the crusade and to demonstrate in Spain the fullness of their countries' identification with the cause of firmness and friendship professed by them towards Spain.
The Reds assassinated over 70,000 in Madrid, 20,000 in Valencia, 54,000 in Barcelona. Such crimes are the work of the Comintern and its agents Rosenberg, Marti, Negrin, Del Vayo - all servants of Soviet Russia.
Spaniards have a duty to remember that Christian charity is boundless for the deluded and the repentant but they must observe the dictates of prudence and not allow the infiltration of the recalcitrant enemies of Spain. Those proceeding from a politically infested area must undergo quarantine to avoid the contamination of the community.
I denounce the new Red campaigns of those posing as defenders of Spanish independence against foreign invasion. The foreign invasion came through the Catalan frontier, whence entered the undesirables who sacked and destroyed Spanish towns and villages, looted banks, destroyed homes, and stole our patrimony of art.
The Reds who pursued these treacherous tactics in the Nationalist rear, in attempting to destroy our unity, will continue these tactics after the war, when our vigilance and our care for the purity of our creed must increase. The Nationalist movement has ousted the old political intrigues and is guiding the nation to greatness and prosperity.
Spain was great when she had a State Executive with a missionary character. Her ideals decayed when a serious leader was replaced by assemblies of irresponsible men, adopting foreign thought and manners. The nation needs unity to face modem problems, particularly in Spain after the severest trial of her history.
Separatism and class war must be abolished and justice and education must be imposed. The new leaders must be characterized by austerity, morality, and industry.
Spaniards must adopt the military and religious virtues of discipline and austerity. All elements of discord must be removed."
Taken from:
Defending Franco:
(Many pictures, including Franco at Mass).
Pro-Franco Book (Best Seller in Spain):
Hitler stopped by Franco:
I also highly recommend Dr. Chojnowski's series on General Franco. Reprints are available at Catholic Family News. There are eight titles:
1) The Rising: Franco and the Battle for Catholic Spain
2) Franco's Command: The War Begins
3) Franco Fascist? The Spanish Cruzada (1936-1939)
4) Franco Stopped Hitler
5) Franco in America's Embrace
6) Franco Betrayed: The Opus Dei Connection
7) Franco: The Last Conquistador, 1975
8) Even the Ruins Perished: Red Revisionism and Franco, 2009
498 Spanish Civil War Martyrs Beatified:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Antonio Socci

The fruits of his research were published in the book Il Quarto Segreto di Fatima (The Fourth Secret of Fatima), released in late 2006. This book is now available in English!
Continued at:
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Poem, Roman Catholic Heroes
A world steeped in darkness tries to hinder
The enemy torments their mind daily
One can't afford during life to succumb
The faithful begin to tremble within
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
St. Thomas More

The England of the sixteenth century was in the midst of a serious crisis of politics, culture and faith, not unlike the times in which we now live. In 1534 all citizens who were of age were required to take an oath called “The Act of Succession”. It acknowledged that King Henry VIII was married to Anne Boleyn, even though he was not. His desire to divorce Catherine was not sufficient to make that marriage null and his attempt to use his political power to change the truth was objectively unsuccessful. So, the King went further, he used the power of his office to promulgate an unjust positive Law by which he proclaimed that he and Anne were lawfully married. It went further. He also declared himself to be the Supreme Head of the Church in England, thus abrogating to himself the authority to determine that his lawful marital bond was dissolved and denying the authority of the successor of the Apostle Peter.
Continued at:
Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Fr. Denis Fahey
Two nations for whom Fr. Denis Fahey had a deep love were his own nation and the nation that gave birth to the Messiah, the Jewish nation. Loving Christ and His mother as he did, Fr. Fahey was deeply hurt by the calumny that he was anti-semitic in any way. He loved the people of Christ so much that he worked might and main to prevent them from harming themselves by the opposition of some of them to their eternal destiny. He knew that the welfare of mankind lies in the acceptance of the Kingship of Christ over states and nations as well as over individual lives. Fr. Fahey, by exposing and opposing the evil of naturalism, was the great benefactor of our time. "The world must conform to Our Divine Lord, not He to it" was his motto.
Promise to St. Peter
On one occasion, when a well-meaning but very regrettable ‘personal attack’ was made on him he wrote his Apologia pro vita mea - a closely reasoned vindication of the stand he had taken as writer and teacher, showing that his defense of the fundamental decencies of life, his teaching, on Masonry, International Jewry and the more prosaic matters such as Money and Artificial Manures was but a re-echo of Papal Teaching and had its roots deep in the philosophy of St. Thomas. In the course of that Apologia he gives us an interesting and revealing “flash-back” on his student-days at Rome during the Pontificate of the saintly Pius X.
“When in Rome I began to realise more fully the real significance of the history of the world, as the account of the acceptance and rejection of Our Lord’s Programme for Order. I used to ask permission to remain at the Confession of St. Peter, while the other scholastics went round the basilica.
“I spent the time there going over the history of the world, and I repeatedly promised St. Peter that if I ever got the chance, I would teach the truth about his Master in the way he and his successors, the Roman Pontiffs, wanted it done.
That is what I have striven to do and am doing” (Apologia).
Sunday, April 5, 2009
President Gabriel García Moreno (Ecuador) (1821-1875)

Why aren’t the name and achievements of such a great Catholic leader – the only President in the world to consecrate his country to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – better known throughout the Americas? The answer is quite simple: Because he was an anti-liberal Catholic. Instead of praise, the revolution spread vile slanders, labeling him a regressive theocrat, a tyrant, a religious fanatic who imposed inquisitorial methods and repressed “progress.” These baseless accusations a contrario sensu give glory to Garcia Moreno because they clearly conflict with the known historical truth and are repeated only because he did not compromise with the Revolution.
On an order from the Freemasons, Garcia Morena was attacked and killed outside the Governor's Palace.
Ecuador was the first nation that officially consecrated itself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on March 25, 1874 and on August 6, 1892 to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
In the solemn consecration of 1874, read by the very important representative of the Church, Archbishop Checa y Barba, and afterwards by the president of the nation, García Moreno, was sealed an irrevocable pact: “Prostrate before your divine presence, all the public powers of the Church and of the State offer and consecrate to Thee now and for always the republic of Ecuador as Thy exclusive possession and property.”
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Bishop Richard Williamson
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Bishop Williamson: Anti-Semitism means many things today, for instance, when one criticizes the Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip. The Church has always understood the definition of anti-Semitism to be the rejection of Jews because of their Jewish roots. This is condemned by the Church. Incidentally, this is self-evident in a religion whose founders and all important individuals in its early history were Jews. But it was also clear, because of the large number of Jewish Christians in early Christianity, that all men need Christ for their salvation -- all men, including the Jews.,1518,606323,00.html
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Marcel Van

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Fr. Paul A. Wickens
In the years following the Second Vatican Council (1965 ff.), Fr. Wickens gradually became aware that the “changes” in the Church were causing a wholesale loss of souls. Everywhere, genuine Catholic life was lessening: marriage breakups became frequent; schools, convents, and seminaries were closing (to be sold off) at an accelerated pace. A whole generation of Catholic youth was deprived of its religious heritage. In fact, some new-breed priests and nuns encouraged young people to forego humility, chastity, and obedience. Catholic parents, who had always given good example, became puzzled and sorrowful: How could this moral decline have entered their homes? What caused all this damage? Obviously, the enemy (i.e., heresy and moral relativism) had sowed his evil seed through diocesan pulpits and classrooms. But the greatest victory for Satan was this: the Traditional Latin Mass—the faith of our fathers—was thrown aside for a new, “updated,” so-called “liturgy.” The “New Order of Mass” (aka Novus Ordo) invaded the sanctuary. What a disaster! The Novus Ordo is man-centered, not God-centered. The new liturgy is scarcely a reenactment of the Holy Sacrifice of Calvary. It is virtually devoid of grace. The tabernacle was placed off to the side; communion in the hand and other disrespectful practices diminished belief in the Real Presence. As a consequence, unbelief and immorality became unbridled.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sister Lucy (Fatima)

Friday, March 6, 2009
Fr. John O'Connor

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Bella Dodd
In the early 1950s, Mrs. Bella Dodd provided detailed explanations of the Communist subversion of the Church. Speaking as a former high ranking official of the American Communist Party, Mrs. Dodd said: "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within." The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. She stated that: "Right now they are in the highest places in the Church" — where they were working to bring about change in order to weaken the Church's effectiveness against Communism. She also said that these changes would be so drastic that "you will not recognise the Catholic Church." Dodd gave testimony on communist infiltration of Church and state before the House UnAmerican Activities Committee in the 1950s.
On Tuesday, August 5, 1952 she publicly announced that on April 7th of the same year, she was received back into the Roman Catholic Church. Not being able to secure her baptismal certificate from Italy after inquiry, she was therefore conditionally baptized by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York.
Bella Dodd's Book, "School of Darkness" can be read online here.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Senator Joseph McCarthy

"How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men HIGH in our government are concentrating to DELIVER US TO DISASTER?"
—Senator Joseph R. McCarthy
I was too young at the time to know about Senator Joe McCarthy but from what I learned he is a hero! In fact, Communist spymaster, Markus Wolf, (now deceased) admitted in his book, "Man Without A Face", that not only did he "hate" Joe but that there were even more communists in the U. S. government then the ones Joe knew about so this is more evidence to vindicate the senator!
For more proof, go to:
"This fight is going to go on…!"
—Senator Joseph McCarthy
St. Maximilian Kolbe

"That night, I asked the Mother of God what was to become of me. Then she came to me holding two crowns, one white, the other red. She asked me if I was willing to accept either of these crowns. The white one meant that I should persevere in purity, and the red that I should become a martyr. I said that I would accept them both."
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Cardinal Kung

Fr. Paul Kramer

The Fatima Crusader Interviews Father Paul Kramer
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Father Nicholas Gruner

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Pope Pius XII