Fr. John O'Connor was truly a hero for the Roman Catholic Church when he exposed Sodom and Gomorrah in the seminary. In fact, it got so bad that young men had to leave the seminary because of the infiltration and Bishops and other priests supported it. Fr. O'Connor was told by Father Donald Goergen that he should get a psychological test. I ask you who needed this test? A priest like Fr. O'Connor who followed the teachings of the Catholic Church or Fr. Goergen who clearly approved of what the Bible says is a sin to practice in Romans 1:26, "For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. 27 And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error". Fr. O'Connor was kicked out of the Novus Ordo for simply doing what a catholic priest should be doing and that is helping catholics to save their souls. May Fr. O'Connor now rest in peace as he fought the good fight against evil wolves in sheep's clothing in the Novus Ordo, new church of Vatican II where the smoke of satan has indeed clouded the minds of many. I, for one, thank him for helping me to understand how the infiltration of homosexuals, communists, freemasons, etc. have changed the church just like what Our Lady of Akita and many other approved apparitions have warned us about.
There has been a lot of possible disinformation about father O'Connor, specifically this information: "Priest John O'Conner exposing Benjamin Creme, Maitreya, Freemasonry, Antichrist communist movement, new age occult practices, church infiltration of the homosexual movement, the Federal Reserve more. After this speech O'Conner was ORDERED to under go a psychological evaluation and then later dismissed from the church."
The question is, was he ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation? Was he dismissed by the church?
Fr. O'Connor was a very holy priest who found out about the homosexual network in the RCC and tried to do something about it. He never took the Psych exam because as spoken on one of his videos a friend told him it would be used against him no matter what. He became an independent priest as such is the case with many priests who were kicked out of the Novus Ordo because the followed the traditions always taught before Vatican II.
A friend gave me Fr. Johns tape many years ago about the 1980s and i gave out to her because i thought it would scare people but everything Father said came true about the homosexual activities. I have passed this tape on to others as it really brought it home to me about the events and other events unfolding. I lost the tape when I moved house and now have found Fr. John again I hope God has rewarded you for your work. Mary
where can I get Fr. Johns tapes or cd's many thanks
mary crawley mcc01@sky.com
Tapes can be purchased at:
I'm not a catholic, but was very interested in sermon on you tube. He was spot on. It's encouraging to know there are catholics like that out there. Keep fighting the good fight. I'm sure he is in glory now.
Ihave tried to go into the site you recommended to buy Fr John's tapes, there is no section to purchase tapes/c.d's??? any more info would be appriciated...
I went to this site and you can buy the dvd's, etc., just click on the one you want and add to cart using penpal
at: http://www.catholiccounterpoint.com/father-john-oconnor/
Now, EVERYONE posting is WRONG! John O'Connor lived up until 1952 and was the inspiration for the Father Brown Series... now for John O'Conner, which was his name CORRECTLY spelled, was in fact the priest that did in fact live before his time! He exposed everything you see so rampant today, in ALL of the churches who rush to the UN to establish One World Religion! He was so on target in regards to this matter, they should have declared him a Saint years ago! Of course, he addressed the devil in the Vatican and in all the other churches and religions, so doubtful they will give him the due Sainthood he deserves, but the Lord God Almighty certainly will! Praise the Lord, his servants are few but they are strong indeed in Him!
According to the Catholic Counter Point website, the person knew him well, the spelling of the last name is O'Connor.
What happened to Fr.O'Conner after he was expelled from the Dominicans?It's impossible to find out any info about him post 1990.Did he celebrate the Traditional mass in an independent parish?
I was told Father lived with his sister until he passed away. I don't believe he was connected to any certain parish. He gave numerous talks which were made into vhs and dvd. Check out this youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm9mchnu0Vc
More information at: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/abbott/061214
Interesting. As a convert to Novus Ordo in 2003, who this year left N.O. And now attend a sedevacantist independent traditional chapel, I am curious to knowing OConnor ever adopted the sede position and if he returned to saying the Latin Mass?
Thank you,
The late Fr. O'Connor did say the Latin Tridentine Mass and as far as I know he never took the Sede position. http://www.catholiccounterpoint.com/tridentine-high-mass-benediction-celebrated-by-fr-john-oconnor-holy-family-monastery-berlin-n-j/
I am sure he will suffer in hell. Catholic church cannot see the wotld as God has created it. I am cayholic and against this man. He is not a holy man. Holy man would have compasdion to peopke dying from aids. Not just men but womem and children die from aids.
I'm sure Fr. O'Connor is in either Purgatory or Heaven. In Genesis in the Bible it tells us to be fruitful and multiply. It doesn't say to use a condom that can break so it isn't safe and you are still taking a chance when using one. Remember Fornication is a sin that leads to Hell. I suggest you read your Bible more and learn about Catholic Tradition and try to go to a Latin Tridentine Mass. A good website with important information is Our Lady of the Rosary at http://www.olrl.org/
I had listened of Fr. John O'Connor preaches in the many years ago, his warning about the evil infiltrate into the church now became true. He was holy man and had courage to speak out about the high ranking of Catholic church to cover-up.
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