Pray the Rosary every day in order to obtain peace for the world!

Pray the Rosary every day in order to obtain peace for the world!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sword of Peter, Catholic Cartoons by Jeff B. Harris

Click here for the full set of cartoons which clearly speak a thousand words!  God bless you, Jeff!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Vicomte léon de poncins (1897-1976)

Vicomte Léon De Poncins was a French journalist descendant of a noble family. He describes Freemasonry: "Freemasonry is a body of superimposed secret societies spread throughout the world.  Its aim is to destroy the present civilization based in Christian principles, to establish in its place an atheistic rationalist society which, in fact, leads straight to materialism although it is supposed to have science and reason as a religion. The role of Freemasonry is to create the revolutionary state of mind rather than to act directly."  Three excellent books to read are  Secret Powers Behind Revolution , State SecretsFreemasonry and the Vatican and Judaism and the Vatican.
 Read the book State Secrets online here.

Freemasonry has played a very important role behind revolutionary movements throughout history. Its common goal is to destroy society by creating new laws. These new laws eventually will overwrite the old ones, destroying the old institution and creating a new one.  Freemasonry proclaims and spreads a system of new political, social and religious ideas; they constitute a different civilization radically opposed to the old one.

"Freemasonry defines it as superior, therefore masonry is constructive.  We, on the contrary, consider it to be bad and dangerous, and, since in order to establish this new civilization, it is first of all necessary to destroy the old one, we are therefore justified in saying that freemasonry is destructive."

     Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and all the instruments of His Holy Passion that Thou mayest put division in the camp of Thine enemies, for as Thy beloved Son hath said, "a kingdom divided against itself shall fail.
Prayer given by Our Lord to Sister Marie de Sainte Pierre (1816-1848 – Apostle
of the Holy Face of Jesus), to divide and conquer revolutionary men.
"The first and immediate aim is then to overcome the systematic obstruction made to any divulgation of the real state of things." ~ Vicomte Leon de Poncins ~

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Prisoner

The 1955 film The Prisoner is loosely based on Mindszenty's imprisonment with Alec Guiness playing a fictionalized version of the Cardinal.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Assisi Underground Movie Trailer

This film sheds light on the role of the Catholic Church and the people of Assisi in rescuing Italian Jews from the Nazis in 1943.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Father Luigi Villa

    Who is Father Luigi Villa?  That's an important question that every catholic should be asking today.  Fr. Villa  was given an assignment by Padre Pio, "You must dedicate your entire life to defend the Church of Christ from the work of Freemasonry and Ecclesiastical Masonry."   There have been seven assassination attempts on his life and the stories on how he survived can only be described as a miracle.  I ordered this incredible book about Fr. Villa from Our Lady of Good Success for only $7.50.  You can also check the book out here.   Be sure to visit this website where you can read Fr. Villa's, "Chiesa Viva" Magazine articles on the Vatican II Popes which are well written and may certainly shock many of you who don't think there is a crisis in the church.  May God bless Fr. Villa for exposing the wolves in sheep's clothing and warning us!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fr. Stephen Somerville

The very first time I heard the name of this priest was when I found out that Mel Gibson had a Canadian priest, Fr. Stephen Somerville, celebrate the Traditional Roman Catholic Latin Mass for the film crew each day for the movie, The Passion of the Christ.  After that I found out about the open letter below which I think every catholic should take very seriously because we are living through the apostasy that the Bible warns us about and the danger of being deceived by wolves in sheep's clothing.

An Open Letter to the Church Renouncing my Service on I.C.E.L.
by Father Stephen Somerville, STL.

Dear Fellow Catholics in the Roman Rite,
1.  I am a priest who for over ten years collaborated in a work that became a notable harm to the Catholic Faith. I wish now to apologize before God and the Church and to renounce decisively my personal sharing in that damaging project. I am speaking of the official work of translating the new post-Vatican II Latin liturgy into the English language, when I was a member of the Advisory Board of the International Commission on English Liturgy (I.C.E.L.).  Read the entire letter here.

On July 15, 2004, Fr. Stephen Somerville was suspended from the priesthood by Toronto's Archbishop Aloysius Cardinal Ambrozic.  There are always two sides of the story and in defense of Fr. Somerville you should read this information.

Fr. Somerville is one of many Novus Ordo Priests who returned to the Latin Tridentine Mass.  An excellent book documenting the stories of the other priests can be found  here.